Province : Bruxelles
Bim Skala Bim
╰┈➤Bim Skala Bim ( Boston Ska Legends since 1983 ) Bim Skala Bim formed in Boston, MA as a Ska Rock band that was influenced by the bands in England's 2Tone movement, as well as the Clash, UB40 and Bob Marley. Bim's infectious Boston Blue Beat sound led them to be one of the premier bands kick-starting the Third Wave of Ska in the 1980s. More bands quickly followed their example resulting in a lively scene in Boston and much of the United States.
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Brasserie de la Mule
95 rue Rubens 1030
55 - 56 - 92
d-day: 02/05/2025
doors: 19:00
live: 20:00
entry: Libre
• please come as you are.
• hate, intolerance, racism and
fascism will NOT be tolerate.
• respect yourself & each other
Source: Facebook
Cet événement a été vu 16 fois
Bim Skala Bim – Ska, Reggae
Groupe de ska formé à Boston, Massachusetts, États-Unis. Début en 1983. Membres : Dan Vitale (chant) Mark Ferranti (basse) John Ferry (trombone, chant, 1983-86, 1998-99) Chris Kramtch (batterie, 1983) Ephraim LaSalle (guitare, 1983) Robin Ducot (claviers, 1983-84) John Sullivan (batterie, 1983-84) Will Cluster (guitare, 1983-84) Jim Arhelger (batterie, 1985-présent) Lauren Flesher (chant, 1985) John Cameron (clavier, saxophone, 1985-99) Jim Jones (guitare, chant, 1985-2002) Jackie Starr (chant, claviers, 1985-89) Rick Barry (percussions, 1986-96) Vince Nobile (trombone, claviers, 1986-96, 2000-présent) Mark Paquin (trombone, 1996-98) Dave Butts (claviers, saxophone, 2000-présent) (suite...)
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Belgique - Bruxelles Ska Rap Reggae Festival États-Unis
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Bar sur Schaerbeek (Schaerbeek), situé sur la région de Region – BruxellesIl y a 5 concerts répertoriés à ce lieu
Rue Rubens 95, 1030 Schaerbeek, Belgique
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