Province : Québec
Mind over flesh (Hook suspension) with Endform\\Show of Bedlam\\Vvomb
Enter the darkness with Mind over Flesh, a body suspension performance where noise and the body merge into a visceral tension.
At the heart of this noise storm, the suspension artists perform extreme body feats, suspended by their skin in a precarious balance between pain and control, each movement charged with tension. This show is an immersive experience, where sound and pain intertwine to leave you on the edge, between contemplation and anguish. A brutal and striking confrontation, where shadow and light become one.
-Show of Bedlam
![Event Image](flyers/mind-over-flesh-hook-suspension-with-endform-show-of-bedlam-vvomb-004158i0.jpg)
Source: Askapunk Montreal
Cet événement a été vu 12 fois
Crust, Punk
Melodic-crust de Montréal. (suite...)
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Show Of Bedlam
Doom Métal, Sludge/stoner/doom/post-Métal
Show of Bedlam n'a aucune limite en ce qui concerne l'expérimentation avec le son et le style. Les paroles sont souvent cryptiques et traitent de sujets liés à la maladie mentale, aux hôpitaux, à la honte et à l'aliénation. (suite...)
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Canada - Québec Noise Rap
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