Province : Bruxelles
Origami Angel - Dad Magic • Botanique
Fondé en 2016, Origami Angel est un duo originaire de Washington, composé du chanteur et guitariste Ryland Heagy et du batteur Pat Doherty. De retour cette année avec « Feeling Not Found », un troisième album ambitieux qui définit indéniablement un son, un moment, une sous-culture et la place du groupe dans le continuum musical, le duo propose 14 morceaux épiques.
Des titres qui explorent les erreurs émotionnelles et spirituelles, la sensation de dysfonctionnement à l'échelle cellulaire, la corruption des données, la perte dans un abîme d'informations numériques, et la lutte désespérée pour se reconnecter à l'essence même de ce que signifie être humain et entier. Fruit de trois années de désorientation dans la vie de Ryland Heagy, cet album examine la société américaine à travers une musicalité riche, variée et infiniment inventive.
Feeling Not Found, the third full-length record from Washington, D.C. duo Origami Angel, is the one—the rare, undeniable piece of work that defines a sound, a moment, a subculture, a band's position in the continuum of music. Vocalist/guitarist Ryland Heagy and drummer Pat Doherty have been building to this record since they started the band in 2016, growing it quickly into one of the most exciting and volcanic bands in the American punk and emo communities.
A 14-track epic recorded with producer Will Yip at his Studio 4 Recording, Feeling Not Found revolves around the deeply modern experience teased in the title: an emotional and spiritual 404 error, a sensation of cellular-level malfunction and data corruption, of being lost in an oblivion of digital information, and the desperate struggle to reconnect to how it feels to be human and whole.
“I was looking at America as this digital silicon hellscape,” says Heagy. “What came to me was, in this amalgamation, this sea of randomness, I felt not found, you know? It speaks to where we were as a band, and where I was as a person. For about three years until we finished this album, I was in a very, very lost place in my life, and everything felt very random and unstable.”
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——— INFO
• Witloof Bar (Botanique) / Doors 19:30
• Bota'Carte 14.50€ (
• Ticket 17.50€
• Day of Show 20.50€
(costs included)
With the SNCB code on your concert ticket you can buy a nominative Bravo! Ticket Bota at a very budget friendly fare. These E-train tickets are available exclusively on
Source: Facebook
Cet événement a été vu 111 fois
Origami Angel – Emo, Pop Punk
Deux groupes emo de la grande région de Washington, D.C. : Areylo et Patty OD. (suite...)
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Belgique - Bruxelles Punk Emo Rap États-Unis
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