Province : Vlaams Gewest
Luster! w/ Fatal Move + Static Vision + Low Life
Luster! 6/12/2024
Timetable: TBA
Fatal Move (hardcore)
Fatal Move Stands for hard-hitting hardcore with lyrics of what makes them angry in this sometimes fucked up world. They bring their music with passion and a high energy performance on stage. One thing is clear, Fatal Move wants to press their mark on the hardcore scene and won't stop till they've done so, they're here to stay! ---
Static Vision (hardcore)
Passionate Hardcore band from the depths of H8000 ---
Low Life (hardcore)
In 2016, the four-piece Low Life is formed in West Flanders. In the following years, 2 EPs are launched and the band plays shows from near the French border to the north of the Netherlands. In 2021, a second guitarist joins the band, adding an extra layer to their groovy hardcore, completing the band. In December 2023, Low Life releases a third EP. ---
Locatie: Jeugdhuis Comma
Binnenweg 4, 8000 Brugge
Doors: 19u
Entrance: €5
Tot dan! xoxo
Source: Facebook
Cet événement a été vu 19 fois
Fatal Move – Hardcore
Groupe de hardcore à 5 têtes originaire d'Anvers, en Belgique, formé en 2009. (suite...)
4 concerts répertoriés
BandCamp Spotify Deezer Twitter Facebook Instagram Musicbrainz YouTube DiscogsStatic Vision – H8000
Low Life – Punk, Post-punk
Groupe de rock australien (suite...)
5 concerts répertoriés
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Belgique - Vlaams Gewest Hardcore Rap
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Lieu sur Brugge (Brugge), situé sur la région de West-Vlaanderen – Vlaams GewestIl y a 2 concerts répertoriés à ce lieu
Binnenweg 4, 8000 Brugge, Belgique
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