Province : Québec
Filomena's Chamber Music
Welcome to Filomena’s Chamber Music. Filomena is a bat who will host us in her heart’s nocturnal chamber, the home of the soul, where sincere music is born and raised. Filomena is the eerie animal that enters your house unannounced; a winged rat, an angel, a star, the messenger of the dark. Filomena is the terrifying Other, a monster teaching us grace; what at the beginning may be misunderstood as a screech is more like the creaking of an opening door.
Please join us in the recreation and celebration of Filomena’s heart chamber as the summer comes to an end. The afternoon will begin with the heartfelt music created by friends and artists we love. At the very end, we will share a slice of her chocolate and blackberry-topped heart.
Source: Askapunk Montreal
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Filomena's Chamber Music
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Canada - Québec Métal
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